How long will you receive the goods?

Once you have paid for your item we will provide a tracking number for you so you can see for yourself exactly where in the world it is. Please note it can take around 24 hours for our system to be updated and for you to receive a tracking number.

We will send you by Fedex or EMS, can arrive about 10-12 working days, Usually the package arrives normally, but there may be delays caused by national holidays, weather conditions, customs inspections and other circumstances beyond our control and for which we cannot be held responsible, if you can’t accept this please don’t place order by our website.

Your parcel will be delivered to your door. In the instance that you are out a calling card will be left and you’ll be able to take this to your post office to pick it up. If for any reason you do not receive the item within 7 days please check the tracking number and then contact us.

How good are the replica handbags sold at Our Online Store?

The totality of our replica bags are modeled on real, authentic store bought designer bags and this ensures that when we replicate them we can bring you nearly exact replicas or “fake bags” of the latest luxury designer handbags.

The quality we offer is exceptional. We have our own factory to produce the replica bags and best crafts people to carry out the detailed work, which ensures our products are the best on the market.

What payment methods are accepted?

We can only accept Wise/Western Union/Bank Transfer now, we will tell you how to pay if you don’t know how to do.

What kind of guarantee is provided? is happy offer a guarantee for all products from our online shop, we can send your order real picture to you confirm before shipping if you want and send you when you confirm.

How much does the shipping cost?

Our website 2pcs and over 295USD is free shipping, 1pcs need to pay 28-35USD shipipng fee.

Do i need to pay import taxes or custom fee?

There will be no taxes or fees, because we declare the parcel as a gift with a low value which is partly the truth. In some situations, the customs department must check the parcel and if they find that the value of the parcel is higher than it was declared they would ask for a documentation to prove the price was declared correctly. This gets easily handled by our team within few working days.